
#1282 The Map

#1282 The Map

We answer listener questions in response to episode #1277 Gerrymandering, and then turn to a discussion about an important discovery of an 1805 Lewis & Clark related map. It was found after being stored for 200 years in a French archive. The map and its background story appear in this month’s issue of We Proceeded On, published by the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation.

#1277 Gerrymandering

#1277 Gerrymandering

"You could redistrict so that you could maximize competitiveness. That would be my suggestion: maximize competitiveness."

— Clay S. Jenkinson

On this week’s Thomas Jefferson Hour, we discuss gerrymandering, its origin, how it works in American politics today, and the potential effects it has on our democracy.



"In your time, because of your extraordinary capacity for demographics, you could create scientific congressional districts that would be more likely to be fair and honest than any system that could be devised by a group of politicians."

— Thomas Jefferson, as portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson

#1206 Save the Republic (Part Two)

#1206 Save the Republic (Part Two)

This week, part two of a discussion of suggestions sent in by listeners in response to Clay S. Jenkinson’s request as to their ideas on how to improve or “save” our republic.