Elbridge Gerry

#1293 4th of July

#1293 4th of July

"Mythology begins to creep in, and as historians we like to question some of that."

— Clay S. Jenkinson

This week on our annual 4th of July show, Thomas Jefferson reads the Declaration of Independence in it’s entirety and speaks about one of his favorite holidays.

#1277 Gerrymandering

#1277 Gerrymandering

"You could redistrict so that you could maximize competitiveness. That would be my suggestion: maximize competitiveness."

— Clay S. Jenkinson

On this week’s Thomas Jefferson Hour, we discuss gerrymandering, its origin, how it works in American politics today, and the potential effects it has on our democracy.



"In your time, because of your extraordinary capacity for demographics, you could create scientific congressional districts that would be more likely to be fair and honest than any system that could be devised by a group of politicians."

— Thomas Jefferson, as portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson