The Atlantic

#1448 American Narrative

#1448 American Narrative

This week, a discussion with President Thomas Jefferson about the American narrative. The conversation was prompted by an article in the Atlantic magazine by George Packer titled "How America Fractured into Four Parts." Jefferson shares his optimism about America's future and explains the fractured American narrative during his own time.

#1356 Considering Exceptionalism

#1356 Considering Exceptionalism

"Our society should be a way of encouraging human possibility and human community."

— Clay S. Jenkinson portraying Thomas Jefferson

Prompted by a letter from a listener, President Thomas Jefferson shares his views on American exceptionalism and his hope that America will stand as a strong and good example for the rest of the world to follow.

#1287 The Hardest Job

#1287 The Hardest Job

"I don't think that it's very useful to compare the burden of the presidency of 1803 … with the burden of the presidency in your time."

— Thomas Jefferson, as portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson

We talk with President Jefferson about an article written by John Dickerson of CBS regarding how difficult the office of the president has become. The article is titled "The Hardest Job in the World" and was published in this month's Atlantic magazine.