American Exceptionalism

#1368 Benjamin Franklin's Puffy Rolls

#1368 Benjamin Franklin's Puffy Rolls

Benjamin Franklin was considered “the grand old man” of the American Revolution, and when questioned about what the men of the Constitutional Convention had delivered, he answered, “A republic, if you can keep it." This week, in an out-of-character program, we talk more about Benjamin Franklin.

#1366 American Creation with Joseph Ellis

#1366 American Creation with Joseph Ellis

"Understand him for his flaws as well as for his greatness."

— Joe Ellis

We welcome historian Joseph Ellis to the program this week to talk about his book American Creation. In the book, Ellis notes a series of five contributions the founding fathers made and Clay Jenkinson asks how those contributions are holding up during our time.

#1356 Considering Exceptionalism

#1356 Considering Exceptionalism

"Our society should be a way of encouraging human possibility and human community."

— Clay S. Jenkinson portraying Thomas Jefferson

Prompted by a letter from a listener, President Thomas Jefferson shares his views on American exceptionalism and his hope that America will stand as a strong and good example for the rest of the world to follow.

#1301 Farewell Address

#1301 Farewell Address

"George Washington ... was as close to a perfect human being as we believed existed on Earth."

— Clay S. Jenkinson portraying Thomas Jefferson

This week, we speak with President Jefferson about George Washington's farewell address which was first published in Philadelphia's American Daily Advertiser on September 19, 1796, 222 years ago.