
#1343 Forty Books

#1343 Forty Books

"He's never happier than when he can recommend a course of reading to somebody else."

— Clay S. Jenkinson

President Jefferson tells us what books he might recommend to juvenile readers, and it turns out to be a fairly limited list. He does, however, recommend Don Quixote, Gulliver’s Travels and Robinson Crusoe.

Liberal Education

Liberal Education

"You can have all the information in the world, but it doesn't mean anything unless you have a mental matrix with which to absorb it, evaluate it, analyze it, begin to synthesize it. That's why we go to college." 

— Clay S. Jenkinson portraying Thomas Jefferson

#1290 Adjustments

#1290 Adjustments

"He's a bit of Tea Party guy, he's a bit of libertarian, he's certainly for small government."

— Clay S. Jenkinson

This week's episode is devoted to answering listener questions, and many of the questions are about the current administration. We anticipate and appreciate comments on the issues discussed during this episode. Thanks for listening.

#1275 Joseph Ellis

#1275 Joseph Ellis

"There's a perfect alignment between Jefferson's own contradictions and the rest of American history."

— Joseph J. Ellis

Clay speaks with Dr. Joseph J. Ellis, author of more than ten books, including American Sphinx, Passionate Sage, and Revolutionary Summer. His forthcoming book is American Dialogue: The Founders and Us.

#1264 Representation

#1264 Representation

"It's so hard for me to think that one citizen, for whatever reason, would commit such mayhem."

— Thomas Jefferson, as portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson

#1182 Listener Questions

#1182 Listener Questions

This week, President Thomas Jefferson provides answers to questions submitted by listeners about rewriting the constitution, Adam Smith, national education, the importance of the liberal arts, and Alexander von Humboldt.

#1180 Productivity & History

#1180 Productivity & History

This week, President Thomas Jefferson (as portrayed by humanities scholar Clay S. Jenkinson) provides answers to questions received from listener Mitchell Reinhart about how he achieved such productivity in his life and why it is important to study history.

#1169 Crockett Middle School

#1169 Crockett Middle School

Tim Bryant, an 8th Grade American History teacher at Crockett Middle School in Amarillo, Texas, asked his students to compose questions for President Thomas Jefferson as part of their study of Jefferson's administration. This week's program provides Jefferson's answers.

#1118 Mister Rudisin

#1118 Mister Rudisin

This week's show features President Thomas Jefferson answering pre-recorded questions sent to him from Columbus High in Cerro Gordo, North Carolina by Zachary Rudisin, a Social Studies teacher and his students (Austin, Ambre'Nasia, Alexandria, Adam, Ivana, Autumn, Madison, Mary Allen and Trey). Mister Jefferson has a bit of trouble accepting the technology of recorded sound, but does answer all of their questions.

From Setback to Success: The Next Phase of Higher Education in North Dakota

From Setback to Success: The Next Phase of Higher Education in North Dakota

There is nothing more important in a civil society than educating our children, each according to his or her best learning style, each up to her or his capacity. I'm very happy to pay my share. But I do begrudge the idea of spending the best part of a million dollars to get rid of a servant of the state.