First Barbary War

#1251 Checks & Balances

#1251 Checks & Balances

"If the three federal branches can't stop themselves from doing appalling things, a fourth entity exists, and that's the states."

— Thomas Jefferson, as portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson

We discuss the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, states' rights, and the need for checks and balances within the federal government.

#1243 Mister President

#1243 Mister President

"Really? You don't think Jefferson has a geopolitical plan here?"

— Clay S. Jenkinson

This week, we return to the Jefferson 101 series and discuss Jefferson’s first term as President. In particular, we discuss the Barbary pirates, the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis & Clark expedition.

#775 War & Peace

#775 War & Peace

Another show from the Thomas Jefferson Hour archives. Recorded in July of 2004, the program is a discussion between Presidents Adams and Jefferson. President Adams is portrayed by former Jefferson Hour host William Chrystal.