Looking to 2017

I’m glad it’s over, frankly.
— Clay, on 2016

On this 1776 Club broadcast, Clay & David discuss 2016 and look forward to the new year. They cover topics including Bob Dylan's lyrical allusion to Samuel Johnson, possible similarities between Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson, Brad Crisler's gift to Clay, which songs to include in a musical time capsule, and their plans to complete the Jefferson 101 series in 2017.

Mr. Crisler's gift to Mr. Jenkinson.

Mr. Crisler's gift to Mr. Jenkinson.

Listen to this week's episode.

Speaking of music...! Check out this accompanying Spotify playlist of the tunes discussed on this show.

Questions from 1776 Club members Glenn H., Paul G. and Mark R. are discussed in this episode.

Mark wrote in to ask what Jefferson's perspective might be regarding President Obama's "statement indicating he will take a very active role from the sidelines as he exits the presidency to preserve his legacy." Clay's answer includes a book recommendation: The Presidents Club: Inside the World's Most Exclusive Fraternity by Michael Duffy and Nancy Gibbs.

Paul's letter compares the experiences of Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson, especially regarding the personal tragedies in their lives. Paul spent some time in Theodore Roosevelt National Park over the summer and he noticed "an interesting parallel in these two otherwise very different men."

Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
— Samuel Johnson

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The public domain image comes from the New York Public Library Digital Collections.