Join the 1776 Club.

Looking to support the show in a sustainable, ongoing manner? Consider joining the 1776 Club.

Members receive exclusive bonus material and unlimited access to the episode archive which, when completed, will date back to the origins of the show in the early 2000s — about 15 years of the Thomas Jefferson Hour.

Your support keeps the show running and helps it grow.
Please note that contributions to the 1776 Club are not tax-deductible.
To make a tax-deductible donation, please see below.

Donate to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc.

The Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organization under tax ID #46-5726534. All contributions to The Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.

Please note that donations to The Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. on this website are only tax-deductible if they are made through the PayPal button above. Contributions to the Thomas Jefferson Hour made through purchases of podcasts, audiobooks or any other merchandise on this site, through the Jefferson Hour Bandcamp page, or through Clay S. Jenkinson's Bandcamp page are not tax-deductible.

 For additional information, contact Nancy at


Your support can help keep the Jefferson Hour on the air and help it grow until it can be heard in every public radio market in the United States. But the program costs money to produce, to distribute, and to market. That’s where you come in. It costs tens of thousands of dollars per year to produce and distribute the program. Your help will allow us to continue the high quality of production and dedicate funds to marketing the program. If you love, like or respect the Jefferson Hour, and believe that it is an important part of your week, please contribute generously to the program. It will be deeply appreciated.

I’m not going to stop until we have the Jefferson Hour on 300 stations nationwide. I believe so strongly that America needs to return to Jeffersonian principles. With the slenderest budget we have become a staple of American public radio life. If we had money for a marketing campaign, I believe we could really make a run. If you can help, I will be immensely grateful. Thank you.
— Clay Jenkinson

Please support the Thomas Jefferson Hour today.

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