James Monroe

#1484 Ten Things About James Monroe

#1484 Ten Things About James Monroe

Clay Jenkinson and Lindsay Chervinsky discuss James Monroe, America’s fifth president. He is perhaps best remembered for issuing the Monroe Doctrine, a policy of opposing European colonialism in the Americas while asserting America’s dominance in the western hemisphere. Over the course of his political career, Monroe served as a U.S. Senator, Secretary of State, governor of Virginia, and ambassador to Britain and France.

#1398 The Indispensable Man

#1398 The Indispensable Man

This week in an interesting debate match, Clay Jenkinson and Joseph Ellis argue over who is the “Indispensable Man” of the American Revolution. Ellis argues for George Washington, while Jenkinson says it has to be Jefferson. A very wise listener suggests that they are both wrong: it’s Benjamin Franklin.