The Inauguration of March 4th, 1801

[America was], as I put it to a close friend of mine, something new under the sun.
— Thomas Jefferson, as portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson

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TJ: [The inauguration] worked out, for me, quite well. I was staying in a boarding house; I walked over to my inauguration; I delivered my speech so inaudibly that nobody could really hear it. Afterwards, I walked back to the boarding house and took the same seat that I had held at every other dinner and was as quiet as a mouse.
DS: That may have been low-key, Mr. President, but your inaugural address was regarded as one of the best.
TJ: I'm glad for that. I took great care in writing it; I wrote it myself, of course — and in it, among other things, I said, every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by separate names men of the same principle. We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists. We share more, in this great country, than divides us. An inauguration is a time for national unity and for healing whatever political strife has emerged during the campaign.

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