Religious Views in Political Campaigns

The public, in my view, have no right to ask about my religious sensibilities any more than they would have the right to invade your privacy and ask about yours.
— Thomas Jefferson, as portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson

Tune in to your local public radio or join the 1776 Club to hear this episode of What Would Thomas Jefferson Do?

This episode's guest host is Bill Thomas of Prairie Public Radio. The recording was made live at the Fargo Theatre in Fargo, ND.

"I find that I'm an apiarian — like a bee, I flip from one religion to the next and suck out all the honey of each."

"I find that I'm an apiarian — like a bee, I flip from one religion to the next and suck out all the honey of each."

"If you said to me, 'Mr. Jefferson, you could be the president of the United States if you explained your religious sensibilities,' I would say, under such circumstances, I would rather not hold that office."

"If you said to me, 'Mr. Jefferson, you could be the president of the United States if you explained your religious sensibilities,' I would say, under such circumstances, I would rather not hold that office."

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