Franklin, TN
The Lewis & Clark Tour is, without a doubt, a life-changing experience. While there is the obvious appeal of covering the same ground as the Corps of Discovery, even better is the camaraderie and new friendships that are developed during the course of the trip. It is a physical trip, though one does not need to be a “jock” to participate and complete each portion. I’ve been privileged to watch people in their 80’s do this. The meals and conversation at the table each evening are outstanding. Clay’s discussions concerning key events of the trip are engaging as well as educational. My wife and I have done this trip twice (once with our college-aged son), and plan to go again.
"I candidly confess that I have ever looked on Cuba as the most interesting addition which could ever be made to our system of states."
— Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, October 24, 1823
Clay returns from his recent cultural tour to Cuba. He gives an in-depth report on the country, its history and people, and Thomas Jefferson’s thoughts on Cuba.