“If you’re looking for fairness to Hamilton, you’re listening to the wrong show!”
From the Encyclopedia Virginia: "A fire, caused by faulty electrical wiring, started in the annex on October 27, 1895."
On this 1776 Club broadcast, Clay & David discuss letters from listeners Eric N. and Andrew M. on a wide variety of subjects, including a few that may be the centerpieces of upcoming shows. Among these are the Kentucky resolutions and the founding of the University of Virginia.
Listen to this week's episode or learn more about the 1776 Club.
Clay: Today, we had a meeting and we made some very big commitments to — I don't want to say improvements —
David: Forward movement.
Clay: It's going to be an interesting year, let's put it that way. My goal is the same always: I want the Jefferson Hour to proliferate because I believe that Jefferson is the answer. I don't believe that Donald Trump is the answer, I frankly don't believe that Bernie Sanders is the answer, I don't believe that Mrs. Clinton is the answer, I don't believe that Joe Biden is the answer. They're all interesting, but I think that the answer is a new Jeffersonian movement.
More From the Thomas Jefferson Hour
The image in the cover artwork, "L & N Train along the Gulf Shore (on back bay), Ocean Springs, Miss.", c. 1898-1931, appears public domain via the New York Public Library Digital Collections.
This week, please enjoy an extra addition here on the blog and in your podcast feeds: The opening chapters of Becoming Jefferson's People as read by Clay S. Jenkinson.
Clay S. Jenkinson discusses his book, Becoming Jefferson's People: Re-Inventing the American Republic in the Twenty-First Century, in the second of two shows about the book.
Clay S. Jenkinson discusses his book, Becoming Jefferson's People: Re-Inventing the American Republic in the Twenty-First Century, in the first of two shows about the book.