Prompted by a listener’s request to spend more time talking to Mister Jefferson, we devote this episode to presenting questions to Jefferson, such as whether it's necessary for congress to approve military actions, and if the founding fathers could have anticipated the formation of political parties and would they have designed things differently had they known.
You Say You Want a Revolution
The Jefferson Watch
What Would Jefferson Do?
“There is almost no issue more important than the national debt of the United States”
Tune in to your local public radio or join the 1776 Club to hear this episode of What Would Thomas Jefferson Do?
President Jefferson shares his core principles. During the out-of-character segment, Clay Jenkinson addresses some of the extreme contradictions between what Jefferson said he believed in and what he actually did.
This week, David speaks with President Thomas Jefferson as portrayed by humanities scholar Clay S. Jenkinson. Jefferson responds to listener questions about banning books, as well as citizens' rights and responsibilities.
We speak with President Jefferson about how the Articles of Confederation led to the creation of our constitution. Jefferson also answers questions from listeners about how money and credit worked during his time, and what the pursuit of happiness meant to him. Later in the show we hear from Lindsay Chervinsky and former ND Senator Heidi Heitkamp.
President Jefferson answers questions submitted by listeners on a wide range of topics including Monticello, West Point and the military, the three fifths clause, separation of church and state, and James Monroe.