#1298 As Requested

You have to wait 14 years under the naturalization law before you can become a full citizen of the United States. These were palpable violations of the Bill of Rights.
— Clay S. Jenkinson portraying Thomas Jefferson

We spend this week, as requested, responding to submitted questions and correcting some factual errors pointed out by our listeners.

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President Jefferson joins us and answers many questions on the eve of Clay's annual trip to the Lewis & Clark trail in Montana and Idaho. We had a visitor who said, "More listener questions please," and we have done exactly that.

We've got a couple of questions about Jefferson and his ocean voyages, comparing John Adams' heroism on the high seas with Jefferson's timidity. Jefferson was only in a ship twice: once going and once coming from France. We also got some questions about how President Jefferson managed his time so successfully. Answer: discipline and organization. Never waste a single moment. He who never wastes a single moment will never complain of a want of time, said Jefferson. We got a number of corrections, including David's error: John Hancock was born in Massachusetts, not New York, as we erroneously said. Sorry about that.

"determine never to be idle. no person will have occasion to complain of the want of time, who never loses any. it is wonderful how much may be done, if we are always doing. and that you may be always doing good, my dear, is the ardent prayer of yours affectionately."

— Thomas Jefferson to Martha Jefferson Randolph, 1787

Further Reading

What Would Jefferson Do?

I would have been able to produce an account of that tour — and I mean no self-aggrandizement in saying this, but just from the sheer discipline of writing every day at great length — would have been one of the classics of the literature of exploration.
— Clay S. Jenkinson portraying Thomas Jefferson

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